Coaching With Michelle Nicole
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Trauma is a part of life. It’s something that no matter how much we try to escape it, will eventually be very present in our lives at some time or the other. One of 2 things happen to us when we experience a traumatic situation…we realize the hand of God and the part he played, or we begin to doubt him and the relationship we have with him. Usually, it is the second of that tends to take place and we begin our journey into the world to try and “fix” what we now deem as broken. But the world is cold, its filled with places that promise us healing, happiness and peace without ever fulfilling those promises. I understand this because I myself went on that same journey, looking for redemption, love and validation in all the wrong places.

By his amazing Grace, he pulled me out of that darkness and showed me the truth and the light and now I choose to spend my life helping others do that exact same thing. This life will always be full of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, but when you are able to remember who you belong to, who’s daughter you are, it fills you up with an incredible strength and confidence you can only get from one place. You will never be defined by the trauma that has occurred in your life and it does not have to be something that haunts your life forever. You can come back home anytime, to the one who has never left your side.



How would it feel to…


Wake up every morning and be excited for the day?

Stop allowing the past to control how you live your future?

Remember that you are a daughter of the Most High King?

Walk with your head held high and deep confidence of who you are?